October 2020

?Cool? or ?Uncool?

The article encourages smokers to quit the habit by showing the negative effects of smoking. Those who don?t smoke are healthier compared to those who smoke and will therefore live longer. The writer gives importance to the determination and sincerity of the smoker to quit smoking. Though it points out that there are times that medication is needed, quitting smoking will only be achieved if one will help himself or herself.

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Estrogen Side Effects – Do You Know Them?

Estrogen side effects definitely exist, and one should understand the difference between natural estrogen and synthetic estrogen. The most commonly prescribed synthetic estrogen is Premarin, currently manufactured by Wyeth Pharmaceuticals. According to the manufacturer, the most frequent estrogen side effects for Premarin are – vaginitis due to yeast or other causes, vaginal bleeding, painful menstruation and leg cramps. Wyeth also makes a Premarin vaginal cream – its most…

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Dog Genome May Shed Light On Human Disease

Scientists have succeeded in sequencing the dog genome, an accomplishment that could lead to better health for humans as well as canines. An international team of researchers have published their detailed analysis in the journal Nature.

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Dangers of Eating Disorders – Anorexia Nervosa

Many people are suffering from eating disorders these days. The most common eating disorders are Anorexia Nervosa (anorexia) and Bulimia Nervosa (bulimia). Both are very dangerous eating disorders that may even cause death. Eating disorders usually occur on the background of emotional instability, confusion, loneliness, depression and low-self esteem.

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Clean Tongues For Fresher Breath

You always brush your pearly-whites, you gargle antiseptic mouth rinses, and you floss. Throw in regular dental check-ups and you’ll think that you’re the poster boy for oral hygiene. What if I tell you that you’re forgetting something? Crazy, right? Nope, because you’re forgetting your tongue. You taste with it, you lick with it, and when temptation arises, you even wag it. Don’t you think it’s high time to start cleaning it? After all, I’m sure you don’t want to sport a whi…

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Can I Buy Legal Steroids In The United States?

The possession and distribution of steroids /anabolic steroids without proper priscription is illegal and banned in the United States of America. The US federal law also does illegalize the importation of steroids from outside the United States. The United States has very strict policies against anabolic steroids, but you can buy legal steroids in the united states.

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Birth Control Tricks That Don’t Work

In the modern era, there are a number of so-called ?tricks? that a woman or a couple can do to prevent pregnancy. However, a decent understanding of how the menstrual cycle and conception works will help a person comprehend and distinguish the myths from the real effective birth control strategies.

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A Warm Touch, A Beneficial Act

Touch or massage therapy are beneficial to an infant’s well being. There are innumerable medical facts that support the importance of touch, but more importantly, babies that were massaged early in childhood establish a warm, positive relationship that continues as the child grows.

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Arteriosclerosis is one of the most common diseases of the blood vessels.

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All Calories Are Not Created Equal

Eat less fat. Eat more fat. Carbs are bad. Carbs are good.

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