
Bifocal Contact lenses – Ready To Wear

Concentric rings form the near and distant correction. Light from both near and far objects can be focused on at the same time since the near and far parts of the lens are in sight all the time.

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Bifocal Contact Lenses – Improving vision

Thick lenses with a line across them were the only option available to those who had nearsightedness and farsightedness. The frames for glasses in general were heavy and very unattractive.

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Correct choice of contact lenses

First, in order to chose the correct contact lenses and maintain eye comfortable., We recommended the following methods:

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Contact Lenses And Why We Wear Them

We wear contact lenses mainly because we are vain.

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Can You Avoid LASIK Problems With Screening And Tests?

LASIK is a complex surgical procedure. In order to determine your suitability, and to avoid potential LASIK complications, the best way is to get screened and tested prior to undergoing surgery.

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