
Aloe-Vera – an effective medicine?

Aloe vera is a very useful plant. It is very often used as a medicine to treat skin conditions such as burns and eczema,t

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Arthritis Basics

Arthritis signals people in a variety of ways. Joints might crack suddenly, like knees upon standing. Other joints may be stiff and creak.

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Backache: A Common Problem

Backache is largely caused by sitting, standing or stooping for a long time and is prevalent amongst all age groups. Human physiology has undergone a sea change in the recent years with a large proportion of people spending a majority of their work time sitting in front of computers or desks or cars and other vehicles. The sitting posture puts pressure on our back and the constituent muscles thus resulting in backache.

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Birth Defects and Chemicals

While an embryo may die due to a chemical exposure and result in a miscarriage, a developing fetus will survive but can suffer altered DNA that results in malformations, deformities, retardation and birth defects – lifetime serious personal injuries that can and should have been avoided.

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Can taking too much ginseng cause sleeping difficulties?

While ginseng can be very relaxing, however, it is not the perfect herb.

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Clenbuterol ? Is It Safe?

You often hear/read about Hollywood stars and celebrities losing weight, taking clenbuterol, a new weight-loss drug that literally melts away fat, and often you people follow your favorite stars and celebrities. However, take a moment to learn about the drug that you are going to put into your body.

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Dave, Sue, Generic Viagra and the weekend of passion!

Dave was walking up and down anxiously outside his friend Brad?s house. Brad had told Dave that he would assist him to heal his erectile dysfunction but Dave was unwilling to believe him ? after all, what could perhaps lend a hand to play his role in the bedroom when he had been suffering from such harsh problems since his diabetes mellitus had worsened?

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Don’t flex that muscles too much!

This article tackles muscle injuries and common muscle relaxants.

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Excessive Worry May Indicate A More Serious Problem

GAD is a serious medical condition characterized by excessive worry about everyday events such as work or family responsibilities. People who suffer from GAD experience chronic worry more days than not for a period of at least six months.

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“The Ever Growing World of Organic Skin Care Products”

We have heard a lot of horrible stories about the effects of chemicals in our body most especially on our skin. There are more and more people that are developing allergic reactions to chemicals found in the mainstream beauty products. This article is about organic skin care products popularity and how it came about.

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